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Audrey Faith Frederick

2018-2019 State President


Veterans Empowerment Organization

The GSSCAR 2018-2019 State Project this year is "Hearts and Hands helping Heroes" by raising funds to support the local Veterans Empowerment Organization, located in Atlanta, Georgia. The VEO helps heroes everyday by getting homeless veterans off the streets and helping them reclaim their identity. The VEO also assists them in becoming self sufficient through counseling and workforce development, they receive job placement assistance and get them back into the workforce. For those veterans that are not able to work there is subsidized housing that they can afford until they need to move on to assisted living. The current campus provides housing for 106 single male veterans and 42 female veterans with families, this year’s project will help raise funds for a new building that includes a mess hall, laundry facility, and 10 additional rooms for housing. We are very proud to be a part of this project and support the homeless veterans in Georgia.


Self Sufficiency Model for Veterans

Immediate & Permanent Housing Assistance, Personal Rooms & Private Showers
Bootcamp Basics
Healthy Meals, Clothing, Transportation, Mailing Addresses, Phone & Voice Mail
Street Outreach
Locating unsheltered Veterans and linking the to supportive resources

Workforce Development
Workforce Bootcamp Initiative that gets our veterans prepared to enter the workplace
Serve A HERO
Provides 3 Hot Meals daily at our Campus Mess Hall 

The Georgia State Society C.A.R. Website is dedicated to the memory of

Mr. Charles Hall, Sr. (1951-2009).  Mr. Hall was a loyal supporter of our Society and our first webmaster!

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