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Elijah Clarke Wreath Laying

Elijah Clarke Chapter
National Society
Daughters of the American Revolution

Elijah Clarke Chapter DAR, invites you to attend a ceremony honoring twenty patriots of the American Revolution who died within the original Clarke County boundaries.

When: Sepember 20, 2015

Where: Memorial Park

           293 Gran Ellen Drive

           Athens, Georgia 

Time: 3:00 PM

If you are planning on brining a wreath use the attached form and email the completed form to


Click for Wreath form

Patriots Being Honored:

Ezekiel Akridge              Rev. John Harvey

 Jonathan Allred             George Herndon

 Thomas Bonner              Isaac Hill

 Drury Cook                     Uriah Humphries

 George Clifton, Jr.           Robert Laird

 Daniel Conner                 John McDonald

 James Davenport, Jr.      John Oliver, Sr.

 Solomon Edwards          John Thompson (PA)

 James Espy                     John Thompson (VA)

 Charles Garner               William Smith

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