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2016-2017 State Project Donations

Virtual Memorial-Tribute Wall 

ABCDE ...... FGHIJ ...... KLMNO ...... PQRST ...... UVWXYZ

In Honor of

Emily Wagner,

Erin Moore, Shelby Putnam

Donated by

Eleanor Wilson Society, C.A.R. &

Nation Ford Chapter DAR

via The Wagner Family

In Memory of

Private James Waldrop

8 Feb 1751, VA - 3 Dec 1846, Fayette Co, GA

Revolutionary War Patriot

Donated by the

James Waldrop Chapter, NSDAR

Fayetteville, GA

In Memory of

Capt. Henry Walton

1756, VA - bef 13 Sept 1813,  Greenville Co, VA

Revolutionary War Patriot

Donated by the

Henry Walton Chapter, NSDAR

Madison, GA

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